Wednesday, October 14, 2009

88mph: Some Serious Shirt

Summer vacation. Two weeks in Florida. Beaches. Fudruckers. Swimming. Sun burn. Sun screen. Sun. Sun. Sun. No school. Friends. Family. Mexican food. Pina Coladas. Souvenirs. Shells. Sand. Sandals. Love.

A seemingly perfect day on the beach. Dipping your toes in the cool ocean. Hoping to cross another item off your bucket list you rent a surf board and head into the water in an attempt to teach yourself. You spend hours getting up and falling, slightly increasing your skill until you are finally able to stand up. Feeling confident, you venture out into the deep water. So deep your feet no longer touch the coarse sand at the bottom of the sea. You swim farther, farther, farther, CRUNCH. Jaws, but a bear. Your surfboard suddenly looks like a cookie with a bite taken out of it. You close your eyes and try to keep still. You think that if you are still enough the giant bear will leave you alone. As you slowly open your eyes, an old doll floats by. Betty Spaghetti. You smile to yourself and your head is filled with happy childhood memories. The bear spots Betty too. He doesn't smile though. He eats her. You have never been so angered. You are rushed with adreniline. You freak out and kill the bear with your bear(sic) hands. Betty Spaghetti saves the day.

88mph: Some Serious Shirt by Velma Spaghetti is like a Betty Spaghetti doll. It has the ability to make you happy whenever you listen to it. And it also has the magical abilites to save the day.


1 comment:

  1. I did not expect those jaws to belong to a bear. In retrospect it made cents (sic).
    Loved it as always.
