Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Trauma Queen EP

My grandparents used to own a little plot of land deep in the middle of the woods. Every fall during Thanksgiving break we would pack up our car and drive hours and hours until we got to their house. The house looked tiny compared to the huge trees and vastness of the forest around it, but had it been in any place else, it would have been huge. It sat empty, filled with ghosts and cobwebs, for 360 days of the year. But every Thanksgiving, on schedule it would fill will people and smells and sounds and the ghosts would take a 5 day vacation. One year, we all bundled up in our hats and boots and scarves and gloves, to go for a drive. We all crammed into the cab of my grandpa's old truck and started it up. The headlights shone on the freshly fallen snow, our eyes went from tree to tree searching for any sign of life. After driving for what seemed an eternity, we saw movement. "A BEAR A BEAR STOP THE CAR THERE IS A BEAR A BEAR A BEAR PULL OVER THERE IS A BEAR" We pulled over and we all jumped out of the car. We started walking towards the bear we had spotted. "A BEAR GUYS LOOK IT'S A BEAR THERE IS A BEAR IT IS A REAL LIFE BEAR" We continued walking towards the bear. "BEAR BEAR BEAR IT'S A REAL" - BZZZZZZZAGYSYASHFAJK We walked right into the electric fence that marked the end of my grandparent's property. I have never been in so much pain in my life, but I have never felt so alive.

Until now. The electric fence has finally met it's match. Trauma Queen brutally murders you in the most painful way possible, then acts as you heroic savoir and brings you back to life. Zakk Zielke is an exceptional person. Thank you for giving me life.


Oh and for the record, it was actually just a deer.

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